by Dr Peggy Gleason
Sometimes we wonder if we are losing our minds… we forget where we put our keys, or why we came into a room. Have you ever said to yourself, “Why did I come in here”? Don’t worry, you are not alone.
Years ago, I would lose my keys so often that my teenage kids bought me a giant orange Lucite key chain that read “keys I haven’t lost yet”. Although it was funny at the time, it was also my wake-up call.
Why was I forgetting where I put things? I discovered it was due to going in too many directions trying to do too many things at one time. Sound familiar?
In today’s world, our minds are jumping around like popcorn. This is sometimes referred to as the “monkey mind” and it makes it hard to focus and creates constant distraction.
Another reason is multi-tasking. We may believe that we will get more done. However, in truth, we are actually sabotaging our time and getting less done.
Read on for the real reasons our brains are not functioning well…
It’s what you put in your mouth that has a lot to do with your memory. Just imagine if you had an expensive Ferrari and you put diesel in it… it wouldn’t run, right?

Your body is the same. It needs the right fuel. The sugar and gluten you ingest wreak havoc on your brain function. Research has shown that Gluten in celiac and non-celiac individuals can lead to depression and anxiety, ADHD, and dementia, just to name a few. So, before you go running to the doctor fearing a dreadful diagnosis, just eliminate the gluten and see what happens after your body clears it. I am betting you will have more clarity and energy and will likely know where your keys are!