The Direct Path to Bliss

Effective meditation practice creates new neural pathways in the brain’s reward and happiness circuits. They enhance the networks associated with happiness, productivity, and cognitive ability.
Brain imaging studies show that it takes the average meditator 20-40 minutes to reach an elevated state. What if it were possible to get there in less than 5 minutes? You’d then enjoy a much longer period in deep meditation.
That’s where science comes in. Scientists are showing us how to be better meditators. They’re also revealing which meditation techniques work best for changing the brain.
Award-winning researcher Dawson Church, PhD, has gathered the findings from over 400 scientific studies. He’s found that 7 simple techniques are the most effective at producing rapid brain change in meditators. He’s named this method EcoMeditation. Studies of this new method show meditators getting “into the zone” in under 5 minutes.
Dawson’s research team conducted a remarkable MRI study. People used EcoMeditation for 22 minutes a day. In just 28 days, the brain’s empathy circuit activated, while the “suffering self” dialed down.
In another study, EEG expert Judith Pennington (Pennington et al., 2019) reported that even in novices, “EcoMeditation produced… elevated brain states normally found only after years of meditation practice. EcoMeditation facilitated participants’ ability to induce and sustain the alpha brain waves characteristic of high-level emotional, mental, and spiritual integration… participants were able to carry elevated mental states into waking consciousness.”
MRI scans show that EcoMeditation decreases activity in the brain regions associated with self-focus and suffering, and increases activity in the areas of compassion.

Doesn’t carrying the “elevated emotional states” you experience in meditation “into waking consciousness” sound absolutely wonderful?
Dawson is now generously giving EcoMeditation away for free. Get it here.