Thriving Through Evolutionary Chaos
An event produced by Mitchell J Rabin and Alan Steinfeld

Recently, I had the opportunity to attend a presentation by Bruce Lipton, PhD, in NYC. He began his career as a professor of cellular biology at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine. His colleagues did not support his research. They said it was too simple. He thought he was crazy at first, too, but finally, he swore to continue the work. Later, he developed the new science of Epigenetics.
Lipton’s deepened understanding identified how the mind controls bodily functions and implied the existence of an immortal spirit. By applying this science to his personal biology, he improved his physical well-being and the quality of his daily life. Dr. Bruce Lipton is the author of several books, including The Biology of Belief.
Below are my key takeaways and photos of some of his slides.
We are currently in a state of evolutionary crisis.

The problem: it takes nearly 2 planet Earths to continue to provide resources for the human population. We are living in disharmony with the planet. We have evolved from the planet, not separate from it.
NASA has recently announced that our industrial civilization is headed for an irreversible collapse within the next 20 years.
Crisis ignites evolution. Civilizations come and go. Civilization as we know it is about to end… and a new one is about to begin.
History of Western Civilizations

Monotheism teaches that you can meet God only when you die, and only if you’re worthy.
Charles Darwin taught that it’s not Spirit; it’s genes that control us.

Quantum Physics is the new science, which proves that Spirit exists.
The belief system of a life cycle in which we’re young, develop, mature, decline, and finally die… is false.
Myth-Perception 1: Genes control biology.
The reality: Epigenetics control biology. “Epi” means “above the genes”. Our mind controls our genes.
Any drug we take is also made by the body. We have receptors that take in any medication, whether or not it’s meant to be beneficial to us or not. We call it the “War on Drugs,” but 3 times more people die from prescription drugs than illegal drugs.
A dogma is a set of beliefs based on religious persuasion.
The Central Dogma is a hallmark of medical science. It states that genetic information flows in one direction, from DNA to RNA and then to proteins. This is also known as Genetic Determinism, meaning that genes control life.
The well-known commercials for Lipozene, a weight-loss drug, portray obesity as something controlled by genes, stating, “It’s not your fault.” Worse, it’s also taught that emotions are controlled by genes, and there’s a gene that controls happiness — scary!
Myth-Perception 2: Biological processes employ Newtonian Physics.
The reality: Biological processes employ Quantum Physics.

Isaac Newton taught that the universe is a machine. This is scientific materialism, which asserts that signals can only be physical parts (matter). Newton separated science and spirituality. On the contrary, the universe equals energy.
This myth-perception asserts that the nucleus of the cell controls its functions. However, Dr. Bruce Lipton discovered that without the cell nucleus, cells can live for months, and the organism doesn’t die.
Myth-Perception 3: Survival of the fittest (Darwinian theory) – “dog eat dog” competition.
The reality: Evolution occurs through cooperation – caring for “the garden.” When we live in harmony with the Earth, the Earth takes care of us. We don’t need to chase our dreams – our dreams will come to us.
Myth-Perception 4: Evolution is a random process. Mutations are random.
The reality: Evolution is an adaptive process.
Chaos is NOT randomness. An example of the difference:
- Chaos: at Grand Central Station, where people rush in different directions to catch their respective trains.
- Randomness: when there’s a fire, people scramble in different directions in a panic.

Cymatics is a term that shows how frequencies change patterns.

We’re in the chaos right now. If we embrace the old world, we’ll go down with it.

You need an architect to turn a blueprint into being. Genes are blueprints that have to be turned on and off. The mind controls the blueprint (genes).
Less than 1% of diseases are caused by genes themselves.
The Human Genome Project, which is backed by the pharmaceutical companies, has been proven to be false.
According to the most prominent journals of medicine, the 3 leading causes of death include the following.
- Cardiovascular disease
- Cancer
- Latrogenic illness, which in layman’s terms means medical intervention
This indicates that there is something fundamentally wrong with our Allopathic medical model.
The pharmaceutical companies control the medical school curriculum. They train doctors to be drug pushers.
We are taught that “the doctor knows.” When the doctor gives a prognosis, people believe it. In turn, we give up our power to heal ourselves.
The placebo effect proves the power of belief.
It’s not genes that run in families. Rather, it’s downloads of programming.

Energy is a force, like waves. Think of the ripples in the water when you throw a rock.
The Bohr model of an atom indicates that it has a nucleus, proton, and electron. Everything else is empty. It’s literally a force of spinning energy!

Albert Einstein taught that reality is an illusion. What we see around us is actually just photons from the light. It’s a veneer, a perception.
Spirituality is the guide to go through this world to thrive.
We are each a unique universe that only we can truly experience in ourselves.
Multipotential Stem Cells
We each have 50 trillion cells. Every second, we lose 3.5 million cells. But we also have stem (embryonic) cells, which are multipotential.

The culture medium is the environment. It controls genes.
The cell membrane (skin) is like the nervous system — it reads the environment. Cell membranes have antennae-like self-receptors. No two are the same because they each receive different signals.
The cell nucleus is like a computer’s hard drive, and the cell membrane is like an information processor.
Proteins are made up of 20 different variations of amino acids. Proteins are like robots. They are like strings that can knit themselves into 3D structures, depending on the charge. The charge is the environmental signal, which, in essence, is the Spirit.
Anatomy gives you the structure. Physiology is the movement that causes the structure to come to life.

There are 2 types of proteins:
- Receptor protein: awareness of the environment
- Channel protein: physical sensation
Perception definition: awareness of the elements of the environment through physical sensation.
Change your perception and change your biology!
The cell membrane is the “switch” — like a keyboard on a computer. The switch is perception, which equates to consciousness.

Are all of our perceptions of life correct? Probably not. Misperceptions take you from healthy to unhealthy.
Chromosomes are inside of the nucleus. They are made up of 50% DNA and 50% protein.
RNA is the protein that copies the cell.
Genes do not control anything. The signal controls genes, that is, the environment.
A TV set is like the genes, where the broadcast is controlled by the signal. We’re not the TV itself; we’re the broadcaster. Our identity is not our bodies.
Epigenetics changes the readout of the gene but not the program of the gene (original gene).
Every gene, depending on how it is read, can make thousands of combinations.

Identical twins have the exact same genes but can grow up to be completely different. This is due to lifestyle differences, that is, changes in the signal.
9 out of 10 cancers are caused by lifestyle.
Change your mind and change your genetics!
X-rays and MRI scans do not read matter. They go right through the body because they are reading energy.

As mentioned, atoms are constantly spinning, giving off positive and negative energy — frequencies. This invisible energy can be defined as our radiating aura.
When two ripples interact, it’s called an interference. An interference is the field that governs matter. Change the field and change the pattern. This field equates to the Spirit.
2 types of interference:
- Constructive interference occurs when two ripples of energy interact in harmony. It feels like “good vibes”- LOVE.
- Destructive interference occurs when two ripples of energy cancel each other. It feels like “bad vibes”- FEAR.
When we buy things, we do it based on our feelings—whether the energy of those things resonates with our energy or not. Fung Shui is based on the principle that every object has energy, and when objects come together, their energy forms a crystal.
We were programmed as children not to listen to our feelings. However, our feelings are actually the most important compass of our lives. They are instructions for creating the life that we want.

Interference is also known as entanglement. All ripples interact, which is the combining of energies. Everything is entangled, so you must look at the full picture. Life is full of entanglement.
Life is energy. Cancel your energy, and cancel your life. Create harmonic resonance.
EEGs measure brain activity using electrodes connected to the head. A MEG, a newer form, reads brain functions without touching the head because it reads the frequency — what the brain is broadcasting.
More than half of our thoughts are negative. If you send out negative thoughts, you’ll bring in negative energy. The same goes for positive thoughts. This is known as manifesting.
We are not victims. The mind governs the body. Without realizing it, we are creators.
Programming the Mind

We’re in a state of hypnosis for the first 7 years of our lives while we’re downloading programming.
Where does our programming come from?
- Parents
- Doctors
- Clergy
- Teachers
We can download bad programming from bad examples, such as dysfunctional caretakers.

Programming is unconscious, while spirituality is conscious. We are each cultural creators. When you stop the programming, you become the creator. When you play the program, you don’t see it.
One potential cause of cancer is holding in anger from programming. Killing the cancer doesn’t heal the cancer. It’ll just come back somewhere else because the root cause wasn’t eliminated.
Negative programming causes a negative response. We’re not even aware of it.

Fear inhibits the immune system and disempowers us. The government uses fear to control, employing mainstream news media. Community will save us, not the government.
The culture medium is our blood.
It’s our thoughts that feed our hormones. Feed the chemistry of your brain with good food. Industrial-farmed food is not real nutrition.

Our life is like a “paint by number,” except it’s actually a “create by number.”
If you don’t like your life, you can change your programming.
The conscious mind is in the prefrontal cortex, the front, the smallest part of the brain – creative. The rest is subconscious – habitual, what’s been programmed. Who is running the show?
We are conscious of only 5% of our cognitive activity. The other 95% is programming.
When we’re in love or in a honeymoon phase, when you’re not thinking. Once you start thinking again, the programming comes back, and the honeymoon goes away. Half of marriages end in divorce because they fell in love with the conscious minds, not the unconscious minds.
Aging is another belief system. We’re supposed to live to 150.
How to Take the Power Back

Programming separates us and makes us go to war. We all came from Source. We’re all pieces of God. A divided house can’t stand. We have to come together.
The programmers don’t want us to have power, but we have the freedom to take it back.
“Necessity is the mother of invention.”
How to change the programming:
- Go into a state of Theta or hypnosis: program yourself by listening to specific audio while you sleep.
- Habituation: become the character you want to be through repetition and practice – “fake it til you make it.”
- Energy psychology modalities – some can change your limiting beliefs in as little as 15 minutes. One example is Psych-K.
We were already born into heaven. We can create heaven on Earth every day!

For a limited time, you can purchase a video stream of this event by contacting Mitchell Rabin of A Better World.

Meet the Co-Producers:
Mitchell J Rabin and Alan Steinfeld
The founder and CEO of A Better World, Mitchell J. Rabin, MA, LAC is an international motivational speaker and a visionary entrepreneur focusing on social impact. With a background in holistic psychology, stress management, acupuncture, and writing, Mitchell brings a fresh, creative and thoughtful approach to individuals and social enterprise organizations designed to help improve and create a better world.
Since 1993, Mitchell has been a host and producer on community TV and radio. His YouTube channel showcases many excellent interviews with Dr Bruce Lipton, Gregg Braden, Dr Joe Dispenza, and many more healers, spiritual teachers, neuroscientists, progressive thinkers, systems thinkers, progressive politicians, and social impact entrepreneurs. His shows speak about human potential that translates ideals into action with cutting-edge healing in the spiritual growth of our relationships, our influence on ecology, and our realization of Divinity.
Mitchell provides relationship, communication and individual coaching. He additionally uses The LIFE System, an advanced bio-feedback device that reads the body-mind’s energy fields and balances both out for stress reduction and improved performance. Sessions are done remotely so people from anywhere can enjoy this form of increased self-awareness and self-empowerment.
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Alan Steinfeld is an explorer of consciousness. For over 30 years he has hosted and produced the weekly television series New Realities in New York City. He has interviewed luminaries of health and spirituality, including Deepak Chopra, Marianne Williamson, Ram Dass, and every major UFO researcher.
With his media appearances, lectures, and conferences, Alan informs millions about human potential, remote viewing, and the nature of alien contact. For over five years he has emceed the largest UFO event in the country, Contact in the Desert. He feels that only when the inner explorations of the soul are combined with the outer adventures of the mind can we achieve a harmonious understanding of our place in the cosmos.
His recent book, Making Contact: Preparing for the New Realities of Extraterrestrial Existence, presents multiple perspectives on UFOs and their occupants visiting our world. The book answers questions remaining in the wake of the recent Pentagon’s disclosures as to who and why these beings are here.
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