Carolyn Queale’s Light Language
Below is a sampling of healing light language by Carolyn Queale. Her art has been designed to bring love and light to areas of darkness in our world.
These images are displayed in lower resolution. You may download them at high resolution for a donation of any amount you choose.
Your donations are helping support a new world charity that will fund future heart-based projects, collectively working towards creating a better world.

Feel free to contact us to put a project forward or if you would like a personally designed piece.
Connect with Carolyn:

Carolyn Queale
Through a lifetime process of self-discovery and healing her negative thoughts, Carolyn has discovered how to access a higher wisdom and intelligence that has given her the ability to become a World Channeller, Seer, Multi-dimensional Artist, Quantum Intuitive Healer, and more. Carolyn uses her abilities to channel and tap into the Super Consciousness and to share that wisdom with the world. This allows her to help others by bridging the gap in understanding higher wisdom. Applying this helps empower individuals to see their own inner light and reach their highest potential.
By tapping into the Super Consciousness, Carolyn has the ability to identify and then see solutions to humanity’s and the planet’s global problems. Carolyn works for the highest and best good of all, with the intention to serve and evolve humanity to its highest possibility, of living in alignment with Earth-based natural law. This Law is based on Love and Abundance for all life. Carolyn is open to collaborating and mentoring organizations aligned and willing to serve humanity and create a more prosperous and peace-filled world for all.